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Agriculture and Food

Products by Industry

  • Agriculture
  • Beef

    Canada’s beef herd is built on British and European continental breeds known for their superior meat quality. Some of the more popular beef breeds in Canada are Angus, Hereford, Charolais and Simmental. They are well-known for their ability to produce well-marbled, tender and flavourful beef.

    These breeds also perform particularly well in Canada’s temperate climate, which allows producers to raise beef breeds based solely on their ability to produce high quality beef. Competitors in warmer climates have to factor in a breeding trait to resist heat, which significantly affects the quality of the product.

    Contact us to discuss how high quality Canadian Beef products can become a profitable part of your supply chain.

    Beef Export Facts:
    Canada exports 42% of total beef and cattle produced in Canada. Recent Canadian beef exports were value at $1.33 billion  USD. Total world exports are estimated at 8.9 million metric tons and Canada is the 6th largest beef exporter in the world (excluding live cattle exports).

    Ask us about the particular beef products you are interest in.

  • Pork
  • Poultry
  • Fish and Seafood
  • Processed Food
  • Equipment and Supplies





4936 Yonge Street, Suite 102
Toronto, Ontario
Canada      M2N 6S3

(416) 671 0223

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